
Treasure Table for Knave

I've been really enjoying Knave but I found it difficult to figure out what to do with all those lovely tables, especially the ones for treasure. Here's a (completely untested and probably imbalanced) procedure for finding out the quality of your loot to combine with a description.

Fortune Roll for Quality of Treasure

My fortune rolls are explained here

+/-?D Nothing? Quality (value roll(approx)) Magic? Boon? Curse?
3x1 5-in-6 Burdensome (0 if you're lucky) yes no yes!
2x1 5-in-6 Worthless (0) 1-in-6 1-in-6 3-in-6
1 4-in-6 Junk (1) 1-in-6 1-in-6 2-in-6
2 3-in-6 Poor (1d12(5)) 2-in-6 1-in-6 1-in-6
3 2-in-6 Decent (1d20(10)) 2-in-6 1-in-6 1-in-6
4 1-in-6 Good (1d20x10(100)) 3-in-6 1-in-6 1-in-6
5 No Fine (3d20x10(300)) 3-in-6 1-in-6 1-in-6
6 No Excellent (1d10x100(500)) 3-in-6 1-in-6 1-in-6
2x6 No Exquisite (1d20x100(1000)) 3-in-6 1-in-6 1-in-6
3x6 No Mythical (1d100x100(5000)) 3-in-6 Yes 1-in-6


1d6 Boon
1 Effective
2 Useful Side Effect
3 Sentimental Value
4 Information
5 Stylish/expensive
6 Efficient/sturdy


1d6 Curse
1 Unwieldy
2 Ineffective
3 Brings trouble
4 Dangerous
5 Limited
6 Bad Side effect
